Talk about making a big splash: AB Yachts, part of the Fipa Group, lowered its largest megayacht to date into the water last week. She’s the AB 145, measuring just shy of 145 feet: 144”4” (44 meters), to be exact.
Like her smaller sisters, the AB 145 is built to be extra light for higher speeds. She’s said to be capable of a top end exceeding 42 knots. She also emphasizes alfresco space as much as interior space. Buyers of each AB 145, for example, get a private balcony and direct access to the foredeck off the main-deck master suite. Naturally, the master spans the full beam, too. And, buyers can configure the main aft deck and flying bridge however they wish. Surely most clients will want the AB 145’s flying bridge to be an all-day lounging area complete with sunpads.
Regardless of how you’ll use the yacht, the AB 145 places four guest staterooms below decks. The megayacht also has a gym in close proximity. Speaking of proximity, the main galley is near the crew’s accommodations forward below decks. As we’ve pointed out in other articles about Italian-built yachts, this configuration tends to appeal to European and Middle Eastern owners.
You’ll get a chance to see the AB 145 yourself at the Cannes Yachting Festival in September. Be sure to ask if you can put that 42-knot top end to the test, too. One of the biggest attractions of the Cannes show is the ability to go on sea trials.
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