In a world dominated by computer-aided design, you might believe the old-fashioned art of freehand drawing is long dead. Not true. Steve Gresham of Gresham Yacht Design is among the dozens of superyacht designers who still start with a plain sheet of paper and pencil. Watch as Gresham hand sketches a superyacht, specifically a motoryacht, in this time-lapse peek into the design process.
In the first 20 seconds, in fact, you’ll see the windows, uppermost helipad, and mast start to take shape. Gresham hand sketches a superyacht similar to how we’ve seen other designers do it: from the top down. Soon, the lower decks come into play, still in rough outline, akin to the rest of the yacht. Then, the designer goes back to the first areas he penned and begins adding layers of detail. Some teak decking goes here, a few rails go there. More ports appear, too. Shading adds further nuances and depth to the design.
The next time you see a yacht out on the horizon, stop and consider how she came to be. Imagine what the first hand sketches looked like. Imagine, too, the time the designer took to keep freehand drawing alive and well.
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