Since 2007, has prided itself on delivering all-original content to readers like you. Also since that time, you’ve contacted us with suggestions for new features, requested further details on stories, and more. You’ve even commissioned yachts as a result of our content. This type of reader engagement is what drives us to publish stories five days each week, with two or more stories often posted each of those days. Therefore, we’re requesting your feedback in our annual reader survey.
Longtime readers among you have surely filled out several of these surveys over the years. We thank you for your continued comments and support. If you’re new to, know that your honest feedback helps shape our editorial efforts year after year. It also helps shape the website, literally. Your ever-rising use of mobile devices led us to switch to mobile-friendly designs five years ago, before several other yachting media did. Reader survey feedback also has led to us revamping our Megayacht Builders Directory, to make it searchable via country as well as shipyard name.
We know your time is valuable, so the reader survey is quick and easy. It contains less than 10 questions—and takes less than two minutes to complete. As a way of thanking you, everyone who submits a survey gets automatically entered into a random drawing for a Visa gift card.
If you’re a subscriber to our newsletter, you received a link within the past week. If you’re not a subscriber, you can fill out the reader survey here.
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