If the third time’s the charm, the fourth must be magic. The 30-year-old schooner Adix is at Pendennis’ facility for refit work over the next several months, a return engagement. She’s undergoing design modifications and systems replacements.
The nearly 213-foot (64.85-meter) Adix arrived at Pendennis’ Falmouth, England shipyard in August. The schooner, astoundingly large for her time (and still today for a sailing yacht), headed to Pendennis the first time six years after she saw delivery. The owner wanted an entirely new interior and restyled transom. A decade later, Adix returned to Pendennis for further work. In 2008, she became the largest megayacht lifted by Pendennis’ then-new hoisting system, with a 400-ton capacity. (Adix is 370 tons.) A number of items were on the checklist for that yard period, including a Lloyds survey. The two deckhouses and paint job were also redone.
This time around, Adix is spending eight months at the shipyard. She’ll look different when she relaunches in the spring. The forward deckhouse is being rebuilt and relocated a bit farther forward. A new seating area will accompany it, too. The primary purpose is to make the owner’s stateroom flow better as an indoor-outdoor relaxation space. Pendennis is also replacing the gensets and engine while Adix is at the yard.
The relationship between Adix and Pendennis isn’t strictly engineering- and craftsmanship-related. The three-masted schooner participated in the first-ever Pendennis Cup in 2008, then again earlier this summer.
Pendennis’ winter refit schedule also includes a first-time visitor. She’s Northern Star, built in 2009. Northern Star will mark the largest motoryacht the Falmouth yard has worked on thus far, at 247 feet (75.2 meters). Painting and Lloyds survey work are the tasks on the checklist. The same tasks hold true for an unnamed 184-foot (56-meter) motoryacht and the famed J-Class Lionheart. All projects should wrap up work in the spring, as should the sailing yacht Gloria. No specifics have been giving on her work list, however, though Gloria has been at Pendennis previously. In 2012, the yard overhauled her rigging, replaced all teak decks, refurbished and replaced some deck gear, and overhauled systems like air conditioning and the drive train.
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