Folding boats aren’t a gimmick. They’re space savers, ideal even for megayachts with tender garages. Oru Kayak’s Bay ST has caught on across five continents. It’s even in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Further not a gimmick: Oru’s current goal to raise money for environmental initiatives, via a special-edition Bay ST kayak. What’s more, despite three weeks left in its crowdfunding campaign, Oru has exceeded its goal.
Oru started five years ago. That’s when its founder, Anton Willis, couldn’t fit his fiberglass kayak in his new San Francisco apartment. He’d read about origami, the Japanese paper-folding technique, and its impact on technologies. That inspired him to fold paper models of kayak designs. Proof of concept came when he raised enough money on Kickstarter, a popular crowdfunding website, to start production. The Bay ST kayak resulted. Oru manufactures in California, with sales throughout the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
The Oru Bay ST kayak is reportedly easy enough for beginners to use, yet quick enough for experienced kayakers to enjoy. It also reportedly takes only a few minutes to go from box to full-fledged boat. Improvements over the years make it more comfortable, manageable, and maneuverable. For example, cockpit space expanded more than two inches, and fewer straps hold it closed.
Something that hasn’t changed, though, is Oru’s dedication to clean water and the environment. As Willis says, “At the heart of Oru is our love of the outdoors and our desire to connect more people to water in a meaningful way.” This convinced the team to offer a new, limited-edition Bay ST. While you can order the “regular” kayak via Oru’s website and in stores, you need to donate to the Kickstarter campaign for the new limited-edition model shown above. The tree print adorns the bow and floorboards, a symbol of environmental awareness.
As of this writing, Oru has raised nearly $20,000 more than its $50,000 goal. Furthermore, with 20 days left in the Kickstarter campaign, only about 50 kayaks remain available. Oru pledges to donate one percent of sales of the new Bay ST kayak to 1% for the Planet. This non-profit connects businesses with a variety of environmental initiatives related to the climate, water, pollution, and more. “A healthy planet will allow our community to continue to appreciate the rivers, lakes, and oceans that have a profound impact on us,” Willis explains.
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