“I was looking for a sturdy, reliable, and compact vessel that would allow my family to explore both the most remote corners of the ocean and the countless wonderful coves that the Mediterranean is full of,” according to the owner of the first RAW 105 yacht. The owner signed the contract with Cantiere delle Marche just as 2024 was drawing to an end.
The RAW yacht series is for autonomous adventures and remote routes. Its modest size, initially envisioned as 102 feet (31 meters), harks to Cantiere delle Marche’s founding nearly 15 years ago. The shipyard’s focus was modest-LOA explorer yachts starting at 86 feet (26 meters). As for the significance of “RAW,” it stands for Recreation All-Weather Watercraft. Specifically, The RAW series caters to bold cruisers seeking robust, reliable, real explorers for going farther, longer, and more comfortably. Simultaneously, though, the acronym refers to an abundance of raw, natural materials throughout the interiors.

Vasco Buonpensiere, the yard’s co-founder and CEO, explains that client negotiations for the series were already in the works when the team announced it at last September’s Cannes Yachting Festival. “We had talked of a RAW 102, yet, don’t be misled by the change in size,” he cautions. During negotiations, the extra length was agreed upon “to ensure that technical requirements and design achieved the perfect balance.”
The design, from Giorgio M. Cassetta’s studio, blends soft and sharp lines, conveying a sense of playfulness yet still seriousness. “From the initial sketches I proposed, very few changes have been done,” Cassetta says (see above). They started with the yacht’s purpose, that being far-flung exploration and therefore self-sufficiency. As a result, range should exceed 5,000 nautical miles. Stowage and redundant systems were just key for the same purpose. So, too, were comfortable spaces making more use of floorspace.

Several features are noteworthy. For example, the high bow knocks down waves, plus shelters two 16-foot (5-meter) tenders for waterskiing and more. Those tenders are sizable for a superyacht of the length of the RAW 105 yacht. Additionally, the cockpit-like lowest alfresco level has a fold-down bulwark section for swimmers and tender boarding. The wide steps leading up to the shaded aft deck, meanwhile, nestle alongside a cozy seating/sunning area. But, the steps themselves can be perches, too, to enjoy the views with a drink. Previous Cantiere delle Marche deliveries have a similar stairway, which owners and guests further use similarly. As for the aft deck, it’s also multi-purpose, with sliding full-height glass capable of sheltering it to both sides. This effectively turns it into more of a saloon extension.
As for the saloon, while interior décor details aren’t yet available, the owner and guests aboard this RAW 105 yacht should be pleased. The ventilation trunks are outboard, not inside, behind the fashion plates. This therefore frees usable space and lets the full-height glass extend to the very ends of the room.

“I am truly happy to have contributed to the birth of the RAW 105 project,” the owner says.
Cantiere delle Marche cantieredellemarche.it

More About the RAW 105 Yacht
LOA: 105’0” (32 meters)
Beam: not specified
Draft: not specified
Guests: 8 in 4 staterooms
Engines: not specified
Range: 5,000 nautical miles at 10 knots
Builder: Cantiere delle Marche
Stylist: Cassetta Yacht Designers
Naval Architect: Hydro Tec
Interior Designer: Cassetta Yacht Designers
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