Ten months after Codecasa announced the Vintage Series was in the works, the shipyard launched the first megayacht in the lineup. This is the Codecasa 42 Vintage, named for her 42-meter (138-foot) LOA and her throwback looks.
The plumb bow of the 42 Vintage was inspired by a few well-known yachts. One of them should be familiar to American history buffs: Marlin, a 51-foot, wood-hulled commuter from 1930. She was commissioned by Edsel Ford, the son of Ford Motor Company’s founder and eventually the head of the company himself. The yacht was later owned by Joseph Kennedy, patriarch of the famed Kennedy family. His son, John F. Kennedy, used Marlin as an unofficial Presidential yacht. Codecasa further drew inspiration from Paraggina, a similar-size wooden yacht built in 1970 for the Moratti family, which made its money in oil and ownership of a soccer team.
Unlike Marlin and Paraggina, though, the Codecasa Vintage 42 has a steel hull. The displacement configuration yields a 2.4-meter (eight-foot) draft and anticipated top speed of 17 knots, thanks to twin 1,650-hp Caterpillar diesels. With speed dialed back to 11 knots, the Vintage 42 should see a 4,000-nautical-mile range. The megayacht further meets Lloyd’s class and MCA requirements.
Well-matched to the traditional styling is the classic interior design selected by Della Role. From the saloon to the five staterooms, there’s abundant use of white and light tones, including white paneling and white stone. If you get onboard, take note of the borders on the white soles. In each room, they’re the same colors as the soft goods.
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